

Monday, November 23, 2009


First of all, Monkeyboy's team for the great hockey win for the Mayor's trophy. It was an upset, a night game under the lights with parents cheering madly for the teams, coaches yelling to team members and kids playing deck hockey as though their lives depended on it. It was a well played game and did well!
The dilemma as presented to me was to whom do we tip for the holiday. My personal opinion is this: I tip the paperboy. They don't get paid much and they use their car at an awful time in the morning in all kinds of weather to get my paper here on time and besides, I don't tip him during the year. I do not tip the postman. They get paid a lot of money to do their job, and they do it well, but I can't justify paying a tip for a service that is mandatory and has people waiting in line to do it. I don't have children to whom this would apply, but I don't understand getting teachers a gift. Again, they are paid to do something, and here at least they are paid very well. A thank you on a card would suffice for me. I don't tip the garbage men because they whale the can in any direction they feel is fun and they back up the street beeping their back up beep at 5:30 in the morning. I don't tip my haircut person, I tip him everytime I get a hair cut. I did tip my guitar teacher, just cause I liked him and he put up with me. Besides, his wife baked excellent cookies that I devoured on the way home from my lesson. In other words, I tip people at the holiday that I haven't tipped all year for a service they have provided.
A co-worker called off sick last week, saying he thought he might have had a mini-stroke. He lives alone and everyone at Phipps was worried about him. Fortunately, it was not a stroke, it was just a medication adjustment. I saw him today for the first time since he was sick, and he said something to me that I thought was meaningful at this time of the year. He said that everyday was a thanks giving day for him. He has had two heart attacks and his health is not good. I am glad he is okay now.
On a lighter note, I am hoping that the turkey is fully cooked this year. For those who may not remember, several years ago I cooked a bird that when it was carved, it was pink. Mippy asked at dinner for everyone to say something they were grateful for, and she began by saying that she was grateful that we had a lot of side dishes to eat. Others grumbled something and Monkeyboy couldn't think of much to say, except he was really looking forward to having some turkey. So, I'll try again this year, and hopefully, all will be cooked to perfection. But if not, I have so very much to be thankful for...and I hope you do also. Happy Thanksgiving.


Bird said...

Code pink!!!!!!!!! Code pink!!!! Raw turkey on the loose. Thats one alert I always hate to hear over the walkie talkies.

Cathy said...

LOL, bird, are you the bird she is talking about? OK, about tips. Give a teacher a gift? Look, I respect teaching as a profession. But to give a gift seems like a bribe to me. The only person I give a gift to is the babysitter. Things are tight enough here. The person who cuts my hair? I get a little scared in January, but we both get over it. Love the story about the "pink" bird. And congrats to Monkeyboy, quite the athlete.

Jen said...

I think we should only tip those who give above what their duties are. So, for the teacher, they are paid to teach. For the mailman, they are paid to deliver the mail. For the garbage man, they are paid to deliver the garbage, etc. Why are we made to feel some kind of obligation to "tip". THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOB.
I agree, Mia, let's be thankful for what we have. Even if the turkey isn't cooked. ewwwww. That sounds sad, Mia.
Another trophy? What does one do with all of these? Good for you, Monkeyboy, you brought down the champs. Always cheer for the underdog.

Jessica said...

OMG, a post that isn't on Sunday or Thursday! Ahhh, the ever quandry of tips. I believe the word tips means "to insure promptness". And when does that apply to teachers, or to hairdressers, or to garbagemen? No, tips go to those who perform excellence ABOVE their chosen duties.
Good job, monkeyboy. Nice trophy.
LOL to bird. Pink? I am sick of pink. Can we do anything for other types of cancer? Sorry, I am tired, and I am sick of pink.
Happy Thanksgiving....I am thankful for my family and my health. Most of all, for my health so I can care for my family.

Angela said...

I think it gets to be way too much when we tip everyone at Christmas. I mean, how do we know that the garbageman isn't filling in for someone on vacation? And I tip my hairdresser all year, so why give him more at Christmas. I read the newspaper on line. Loved your Thanksgiving story! And the trophy is lovely. Good job, team.

SocialWorker2 said...

I'm glad your co-worker is okay, Mia. How are WackyMommy and your friend doing? It does give one lots to be thankful for if one has relatively good health.
Regarding the tips at the holiday, I give only to those who don't get paid a decent wage. I think probably the paperboy fits into that category. And I'm not sure if they are tips or if they are gifts. If they are gifts, I only give to my friends, not to strangers. Does that make any sense at all?
I love Bird's comment.

SassySam said...

Don't feel too badly Mia. We had a turkey mishap several years ago. We (I won't assign blame here) decided it would be fun to deep fry a turkey. In addition to almost setting the house on fire, we (notice, no blame assigned) dropped it getting it out of the deep fry. It went skidding across the deck and down onto the patio below. We picked it up, sliced it down and didn't tell a sole. It tasted fine, but everyone wanted to know why we didn't carve it at the table.

Lori said...

I used to bake and give cookies, but then I stopped that when one person I gave cookies to told me later (forgetting my gift, I am sure) that she just throws away food that people give her as gifts because she seldom likes it. I am laughing as bird's comment and Sam's comment. We do not give "tips" or money at Christmas to people like the garbageman, etc. We do donate to our church who make a Christmas Eve dinner to take to the homeless on the streets in our town. Some people come in early and put the turkeys in the oven, some make rolls, some make salads, some make pies. The food doesn't stay real warm, so we don't serve things that are only good hot, like potatoes. We take them out from five until eight on Christmas Eve, then we have church services before we concentrate on our own families. It's been a nice tradition and everyone likes to help. Some can help more than others, but everyone gets involved somehow, even if it buying a pair of gloves or a new scarf. I like it better than giving to the postman.

bean said...

Good luck with everyone's turkey preparations and adventures this year! Congratulations on your victory Monkeyboy!


Tigger said...

Time for the big parade! My favorite thing to do on Thanksgiving morning is to go into the city and watch it. Interesting turkey stories. I go to Mom's along with everyone else. I eat till I can't eat anymore, then to bed to sleep off all that food. Happy Thanksgiving

Another Original by Tamara said...

Lovely gesture Lori. I will try to do something as equally kind this holiday season. I love seeing a post from Mia and reading the delightful comments from everyone. PINK reminds me of the singer who is well, let's go with creative, or the clothing line from VS.

And I know that there are a million videos out there and probably turning over a billion as we speak but type this one into your search engine. For extreme animal lovers only. You shall see why. I love it!

Happy Turkey Day to all! I was expecting to see pics posted of the holiday decorations from Phipps Mia. I know. We have LOTS of time yet.

Elizabeth said...

I am not much for holidays, but I have to say, I love Thanksgiving. I think it is the food that brings my family together. We have even been known to have food fights at Thanksgiving. This is the one holiday a year when everyone in the family comes together. The rest of the year, we barely speak to one another, but that's okay. It's not that we dislike getting together, it's just that it is too hard to do it, but on Thanksgiving, it is a time. I love it. Happy Thanksgiving.

Ben said...

Where is Tim when we need him. I hope he cheers on Sunday night, our team doesn't look so good. Nice trophy, Monkeyboy. I have no funny stories about Thanksgiving. I go to my sister's and she is the cook in the family. And a very good one, too. Of course, we will have the annual Thanksgiving backyard football game. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Elizabeth said...

That is a very special idea, Lori. Do you live in a small town? Love the comments and stories. I agree, Tamara, it's always nice to read Mia's blog and see everyone's comments. Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Bill said...

We don't give Christmas presents to anyone outside the family. We made that choice several years ago when we moved. The pies are baking, and the whole house smells wonderful. I am very thankful for my family, they are my world. Happy Thanksgiving, and let's go Steelers.

Tim said...

I had a slight concussion from Ben running into me on the sidelines. It appears as though I will be able to cheer on Sunday night. He knocked me out on that play in the first quarter. Blame Ben, not me. I will rest as soon as I eat Thanksgiving dinner.

Twigs said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Stay warm and enjoy the day. Remember to think of those things you are thankful for. And I also do not give out Christmas gifts of money.

Allie (cat) said...

We cats LOVE turkey. Hope everyone's day is great.

Nate said...

Football, Turkey, kicking back and enjoying the day. What could be better? Not much! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. And thanks for the update, Tim, someone needs to talk to Ben and tell him to watch where he is going. Is he playing on Sunday?

Net Kitty said...

Psssst. Allie. Over here. Behind the turkey coop. You have feathers in your mouth.

Watch the Dog Show today, Benji?

I am thankful for my internet connection.
^. . ^

ginger said...

Sorry, I was late getting here but loved reading everyone's Thanksgiving stories. We had a quiet non eventful holiday but enjoyed the week before with my daughter and grandchildren from CA
Took them to a train display,light up night, rode the incline, went to Phipps and another light up at Hartwood Acres. Lots of fun

Hope you all had a great Thanks giving! The Steeler game was a real bummer no thanks to the defense. Got to keep those guys from running. Hopeing for a better ending on Sunday