

Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Has Arrived in Pittsburgh

Of course, I knew it was coming, I just have been spoiled with the lack of winter weather, but alas, yesterday was an eye opener.
I was scheduled to work at Phipps at 9:30, so knowing that it was raining and possibly going to sleet, I left the house at 8:30. When I backed out of the drive, I realized that not only were the streets wet, but icy as well. Strange, I thought, since the temperature was above freezing.
I thought it was just my street, and the main street did seem a little better. I live on top of hills and when I went to go down into the valley all streets were closed, with emergency vehicles blocking the streets. Apparently, five cars had piled up and a number of them were off the side of the road. So, I went back home to wait for it to warm up. Gave it an hour, then left again to the same situation. Finally the roads opened and I proceeded slowly down the hill and on to work.
I work with Kay, who always has amusing stories. She told me that she joined a senior citizens exercise group with the anticipation of spending some "alone" time exercising. Her husband decided to go with her, much to her chagrin. Her husband was quite an athlete in his younger days and scoffed at the slow pace of the group. Kay became annoyed, of course, and decided after the exercise part she would go on the treadmill. She began to use it and her husband decided to try it also. Fortunately, for the annoyed Kay, there was an older woman between them, so there could be no direct violence from Kay. Kay set her treadmill for the appropriate speed, which her husband found to be much to slow. She caught him from the corner of her eye, punching the button, punching it, punching it...because of course, it wasn't going fast enough for an athlete. Suddenly the speed caught up, and Kay could not help but smiling, because her husband looked a bit confused. Finally, she heard him shout..."It's going backwards, it's going backwards!" She, in disgust, didn't say a word while the little old lady explained to him that it doesn't go backwards, it's the way the treadmill goes. He finally slowed it down, and was walking with his hands firmly planted on the handles. The older woman left and a younger lady got on the treadmill and began to jog...not holding on. In order to impress the younger lady, Kay's husband let go of the handles and sped the machine up again. No, he did not fall off, but Kay left after he put his feet on the side of the treadmill and said he had enough.
The same man yesterday went out in his robe and slippers to get his newspaper. (Remember, it was icy). Kay asked him if he shouldn't get dressed and put his shoes on, since it was raining. No, he said, it was fine. She watched him attempt to walk up the drive. One step forward and three slides back. But not to give up, he kept trying, almost falling. Kay's thought was she had to do something or she would end up taking care of a very cranky man. So, she went to the garage, got the car out, drove up the drive, told him to get in the car and drove him back down the drive and into the garage. She never said if he got the newspaper.
Yes, winter has arrived in Pittsburgh.
Happy Winter.


Cathy said...

Oh, mia, I am laughing hysterically. What a great story, or stories. We have had the same problem, I think they call it black ice, and it is really bad. I can just picture him on the treadmill! Thanks for the laugh.

Twigs said...

Too funny. Sometimes it's hard to admit when we are getting older! Black ice is the worst. We got some of that weather here, and it's no fun. At least I didn't have to go get the newspaper.

Lori said...

When you first said the treadmill went backwards, I had to stop and think! That is funny, I never thought of someone thinking that. Kay must be fun to work with. Sounds like Phipps is my kind of place.

Nate said...

We men hate to admit we are getting older. We like to remember the glory days when we could do anything and feel totally invincible. Bear with us, we try. That is pretty funny, though.

Shelly said...

Women feel the same way. There is a point where you try to do something and end up with a pulled muscle or a leg cramp or a broken bone, and you think...darn, I used to be able to do that with no problem!

Jen said...

Yes, Nate, we all come to that realization and no one likes it, that's for sure. It is funny when any of us try to do things we used to be able to do and fall on our faces doing it. Someone commented on here about a pogo stick. For me, it was riding a bicycle. Whoever said once you do it, you never forget. Well, I didn't forget, but I couldn't walk for three days.

Jennifer said...

Your post made me laugh, mia. My husband plays football with the kids and can't get out of bed the next day! It is a sad realization, is it not? We can't do what we did when we were kids.

Mark said...

Mine was skiing. Fell and broke my leg in two places. What a wake up call. Was in the hospital for a week and on crutches for three months. It was awful. Have not been skiing since. One realizes that the bones are not what they once were.

ginger said...

Skipper and I have been married now for 52 years. I am not even going into the things we can't do anymore.

But we do laugh a lot

Tigger said...

LOL, Ginger, that conjures up many images! The stories are funny, Mia. And yes, winter has arrived! We are to get some big snow come this weekend. Just in time for Christmas.

Allie (cat) said...

Hey, now we have two Jens! Welcome! That is such a pretty tree, Mia. And a very amusing story. I have never been very athletic, so I haven't experienced. I do, however, have this propensity for falling. The last time was carrying laundry down to the basement and tripping over the cat. Fortunately, I fell on the laundry basket, which was full of nice soft towels and sheets. The cat had the nerve to give ME a dirty look.

SassySam said...

Welcome Jen or Jennifer. I can't remember who is new and who is not. Funny stories, Mia. It must be fun to work with such nice people. I can't imagine even trying some of the athletic things I did when I was younger. I had enough difficulty with injuries when I was a teen!

Ben said...

I try to keep in shape and manage to do so most of the time, but I'll tell you what, those Thanksgiving day football games do me in. I think I will have to really consider if I am going to do it next year. Took me all weekend to recover. I fully understand Kay's husband. Good post, mia.

JD said...

Which presents are mine? I'll take the big stack. Nice job of wrapping them, they look so pretty.

Michele said...

This is a fantastic story! Miss you... Merry Christmas :-)