

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

After Holidays

So, after all is said and done, the holidays are over. All of the visitation, all of the family, all of the chaos. And LIFE settles in. Back to the routine. I like routine. But there is a let down, if you will. The realization that there is work, there is household items to fix, there is ice and snow. And then, something happens to make you think...WOW. Today I arrived home to find an invitation to the inauguration. I know, Bird asked me, is it a scam? No, it isn't. It is a real live invitation to the "open events" of the inauguration. I immediately called Peg, who did an inordinate amount of campaigning for Barack, to see if she got an invitation. Another friend did not. So I told Peg to bring folks tomorrow night to discuss if we should go. History. People keep saying that. But it would be fun. She knows of an apartment in DC that we could stay. So, ice and snow don't look so bad. I am holding something that is really neat...and I am excited! Sometimes winter can be beautiful, and now I can look at the snow and think that indeed, it is beautiful. Steelers are playing San Diego on Sunday....let's all cheer for them. Come on, Kitty, lead us all in a rah, rah, cheer.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mia, that is great, so are you going? What a great thing to see, though I'm not sure how much you can actually see. I think you should go, it would make a wonderful blog. Glad to see your neew post.

Anonymous said...

mia, you need to post more, I look every day and when you are not here, I get very depressed. Seriously, I love to read your posts, and I know you are busy, but they really make me laugh. So, I agree, are you going? How very exciting.

Anonymous said...

I just logged on. I am not a cat person, but that picture of your cat is really wonderful. What expresion! So, an invitation to the inaugeration. That is nice, even if you don't go. It will be a piece of history. I agree with Jen and Sam (hard to believe). I miss it when you don't post. Generally, they make me laugh and if I don't laugh, they make me think. Keep it up, Mia. And thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really something to get invited to an inaugeration. I hope you go so we can hear all about it and live vicariously through you.
I think I should have been invited just because I used that big word.

Oh well, maybe the next one!

Anonymous said...

I would love to go, but can't afford it and got no invitation. Like a big party, I would imagine and really an important part of history. You should go, Mia, and be a reporter for us.

Anonymous said...

We will be watching it for sure on television. Wave to us, mia. Even if you don't go, that invitation will be a keepsake.

Anonymous said...

We are taking the train down to see it. No invitation, no tickets, but I think it will be great fun! See you there.

Another Original by Tamara said...

Sooo, just when I ask Mia "what will you do when you run out of things about which to post?" she goes and gets the mail. And a new blog is born. If you need the invitation as an admission ticket to anything, Mia, I do hope they return it to you. It is an absolute must frame.

The pep rally for the Stillerz went well today. Whew, I am exhausted. Hope Big Ben's headaches have dissipated. Check out that word, Ginger. It is really snowing here now, so I may need to save some of my left-over cheering energy for snow clearing this weekend, Benji. BTW, cats ARE gorgeous, if you are just noticing.

Anonymous said...

We were going to the inaugeration, but decided not to go. No invitations here either. Interesting tree, mia. Yes, keep thinking of subjects to write about mia, I love reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

Mia, did you go to the rally today? Great Picture of the terrible tree, but I am guessing you took that either before or after. I have my terrbile towel ready to wave.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the invitation Mia!