

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am a morning person. I love waking up to sunshine in the window. I love autumn. I don't know if I love autumn better or spring. The seasons are the reason I could never live where there are not four distinct seasons. This has been the best weather that I can remember. Cool, crisp mornings, sunny warm days. I love driving up the street in the morning and seeing the sun streaming through the trees as it comes up over the horizon. I love walking in the park and seeing the fog blanketing everything, then slowly rising as the sun breaks through. The trees turning colors, slowly, but surely. The days are growing shorter, but I don't mind that. I like curling up with my book and feeling cozy in the dusk. Things have been very sad at work, so I truly try to find beauty in the world outside. Flurry, Monkeyboy's kitten, got spade (if that's the way you spell it) the other day. Survived and is as peppy as ever. Bean had auditions tonight...will see if she gets call-backs tomorrow. Go, Bean. And Monkeyboy has a birthday on Sunday, his eighth. Sprout follows in two weeks. Papap had one yesterday, and Iowa niece and nephew had anniversary yesterday. We have all of these celebrations coming up...birthday's and anniversaries. Makes some happiness where there is sadness. The good and the not so good. I'm going to go read my book and escape. How do you escape?


Anonymous said...

Well, it certainly isn't by listening to the president! I like to watch a good movie while eating popcorn. I like chick flicks and a good comedy.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful description of fall! It makes me want to look at the world a little differently as I go to work in the morning. It has begun to change here, also, and I do love the seasons. My parents moved to FL and while it is nice to visit them in the cold of winter, I too like the changing seasons.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wonder what the blog administrator removed. Sports is my first escape, my second would be working on my house. Nothing as satisfying as seeing a finished floor or room painted or water heater replaced (especially when you have no hot water at all for several days). Yes, I like the seasons also. And Elizabeth, my parents are in Florida also, went there when my Dad retired. We all congregate there for Christmas, which is nice, but sure wouldn't want to be there in the summer. Sorry about the bad day at work.

Anonymous said...

Summer is my favorite season. The kids are home, everyone is feeling lazy, no schedules to keep and taking weekend trips or visiting family across the country. Hope today is better for you mia.

Anonymous said...

What a great posting. I love the fall season too. I escape by watching mindless tv shows, which I guess a lot of them are. I love Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy and CSI. Other than that, I read.

Anonymous said...

Staying busy is the key for me, whether it be doing work, the things that I like, or chores around the house. I also like to focus on setting goals and ways to achieve them, admittedly that can take on a "daydreaming" quality.

Being silly and quirky is also a great escape. BTW, how's the training for the Great Race going guys?

Enjoy the change in seasons only because of the change in wardrobe. Will miss summer.

Anonymous said...

I can hear you, mia, about having a bad day! Love summer, love the heat, sunshine, love to swim. Hate winter, cold, snow. I think I could live in the south!

Another Original by Tamara said...

An escape? Hmmm. Well, let's see. How about my pretend business card for my VERY successful art (albeit very imaginary) business. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think we all love this time of year. We are leaving on the 4th of October for vacation and hope to see a lot of pretty trees on the way.

Sorry, missed PapPap's birthday. I forgot to look at all of my calendar. Hope it was a good day.

Guess I'll go read and relax now.