

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Everyone should have a passion...Wicked Kitty's is art, Michele's is photography and the table she is building, Wacky Mommy's is her new job, Hockey God's is his hockey, Bean's is her theater, Monkeyboy's is his sports. I love it when I hear about someone's passion, it pleases me to see the joy that they feel when they talk about it. Michele is building a table for her new apartment and her face lights up when she speaks of it. Wicked Kitty was featured in the newspaper for her art...what a thrill and to see her doing her art with children is inspiring. Visit and listen to her speak of her new job and how excited she is. And of course, I need not mention Monkeyboy and his passion. Bean, the child who sat in ballet class in the corner crying because she didn't want to dance, is now a wonderful dancer who has appeared on stage at the Benedum in Pittsburgh dancing, singing and acting. Hockey God's passion is both hockey and politics in Portland, Oregon. His sister is passionate about competing in mountain bike races. Hmmm, let me try to figure out my passion....what is your's?


Anonymous said...

I guess my passion would be sports. I like to watch almost any kind. Football, Tennis, golf, volleyball. I don't necessarily have to play the sport but enjoy watching and putting my two cents worth of opinion in.

Again, what constitutes a sport? I love to play cards with friends but unless you're playing for big money, I guess that's not a sport. Well, we play for nickles and that's big to us.At least when I play, I'm passionate about it.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about sports also, Ginger, but I like to play them. I think my other passion would be fixing up this house I bought. It's old and needs a ton of work, and while it is hard, when it is done, it brings a lot of satisfaction. I think this may become a habit, buying old houses and fixing them up. I have no artistic talent, can't take pictures unless it is a point and shoot camera and dance...well, I won't even go there.

Anonymous said...

My passion is shopping! No, seriously, it is reading. I love to read. Right now I am reading The Post American World. I love all kinds of books, fiction, non-fiction, poetry. If I begin to read a book and like it I am likely to stay up all night reading. BUT, I also love to shop.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my children. I love watching them grow and see their personalities develop. I love how they protect each other and help each other. They never cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

I just came upon this blog while surfing the site. What a great blog! Lots of thought provoking thoughts and questions. Hope you don't mind another joining the discussion. I am passionate about children also, but in a more global way, I guess. I run a daycare and it is so wonderful to me to have these children with me for 9-10 hours a day. It is exhausting, but to be entrusted with them and to watch them along their journey of growing is truly a blessing for me. I have a staff of four and when I hire them, they have to have the same committment to children as I do. Our task is to nurture them and help them grow in the healthiest way possible.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth - I think Mia can't see the forest thru the trees. She writes a GREAT BLOG and totally can't see it. I think she has attracted a great following with a really cool blend of personalities here. Very interesting how many of us look forward to the next discussion and get really cranky when we have to wait what we think is too long.

As for Ben, well, don't underestimate the artistic skill and talent it takes to re-model. My recommendation, find a Dance Instructor and learn :)

My passions... Art, Dance, Piano and Gardening. Not necessarily in that order but I don't know what the order would be. As far back as I can remember, that was what I was always into. Gets on people's nerves too bkz I can really go overboard. Quirky.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, I guess my passion is cooking. I love to try out new receipes with new ingredients. I am always searching on the internet for new things to cook.
And to go along with that, I love to have people over to eat what I cook. All of you are invited!

Anonymous said...

Um, i guess it would have to be my kids. The decicions we make about certain things, watching them enjoy the little things. Hoping and wanting them to succeed, at the same time not trying do things for them or turning them into what we want them to be. I have done a lot of things in my life, and seen a lot of places but nothing compares to the WONDERFUL CHALLENGE of being a parent.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be gardening. It begins in April and ends at Thanksgiving. I love going out and picking vegtables for dinner. Fresh tomatoes and corn. I don't have a large garden, but it suffices.

Anonymous said...

Wicked Kitty, you are so right. I was trying to watch "The View" the other day while I folded laundry and I had to turn it right off. I was thinking -- I want REAL coffeetalk. Then I remembered Mia's blog. I love hearing about what everyone has going on, it expands my mind. (Mia, thanks for the blog, and the shout-out.)

Off to my first day with the students. Nervous.